Founded 35 years ago

Ohio Private Security
Private Investigator Training

(216) 225-0087

Armed School Staff  Essential Training (ASSET)

Brentley Investigations & Security is proud to announce that is has been approved by the
Ohio Department of Public Safety/Ohio School Safety Center to provide training

Armed School Staff Essential Training Program (ASSET)

Legislated under the 134th General Assembly, House Bill 99 permits a school district board or governing body to elect to arm specific staff members as well as the mandated training requirements for those individuals. [O.R.C. 2923.122, 5502.703

The same legislation created the Ohio Mobile Training Team (OMTT), within the Ohio School Safety Center (OSSC) who must create and provide required initial and annual requalification training for armed school staff.  

The OMTTs model curriculum is called,  Armed School Staff Essential Training (ASSET). The ASSET program is comprised of two core training programs, the initial, 24-hour certification program and the annual, 8-hour requalification program.

Armed School Staff Essential Training Program (ASSET) Curriculum

The following document provides the list of topics covered in the ASSET curriculum, the time allocations, and student performance objectives.

The following document provides a high-level overview of the ASSET curriculum and time allocations as a one pager (printer friendly).